miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Science!!! - ACTIVITY N°3

Today is Wednesday, 18th March

It is cloudy and we are in summer

Hello kids! We hope you are all very well!
Today we are going to make an experiment, but first we need to revise some basic concepts: 

As you can see in this picture, matter can have different states. In this case, we can see how water can be solid (as in ice), liquid (as in the water we can drink or use to wash something) or gas (as in clouds).
Other matters can also have different states. Let’s see what happens in our experiment!
You will need:
  • Some water (agua)
  • Cornstarch (maizena)
  • A bowl (un recipiente)
  • Your hands or a spoon to mix the ingredients (manos o una cuchara para mezclar los ingredientes)

Before conducting the experiment, ask a grown up to be near you, so they can take some pictures of you performing the experiment. You can also make a video if you want! You will have to send these pictures or video to your teacher.
Now that you have all the materials you need and you are ready to take pictures or being filmed, watch this video to see how to do the experiment.

Did you like it? What was your favourite part?

DATE TO HAND IN: Wednesday, 25th March

Traducción al español de la actividad:

Para ver el cambio de estados de la materia, los chicos harán este experimento en el que mezclarán maizena con agua. Es importante que antes de hacer el experimento, algún adulto que esté con ellos tenga una cámara o un celular para poder fotografiar parte del experimento o si los chicos lo prefieren, filmarlos. Este paso es necesario para después enviar las fotos o el video por mail a su profesora. Junto con las fotos o el video, los chicos deberán hacer un pequeño comentario sobre el experimento: ¿Les gustó? ¿Cuál fue su parte favorita? ¿Con quién lo hicieron en casa?

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