lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020


 Hello kids!

We hope you had a lovely weekend!

Let's write down the date:

Today is Monday, November 16th

It's sunny☀️

We are in spring!🌼

Here's the presentation we worked on last Wednesday:

Please, remember to access it from your school accounts.



Today we are going to see some verbs that help us express rules and obligations. They are called MODAL VERBS. You will see that you already know some of them:

We use HAVE TO and MUST to express OBLIGATIONS.

We use MUST NOT (=mustn't) and CAN'T to express PROHIBITIONS.

We use DON'T when we want to give an ORDER to someone, expressing that we want them not to do something. 

ACTIVITY 1: Look and read. Circle the correct answer.

Everyone has to / can’t pick up their trash. 

We must / can’t recycle our bottles.

People have to / must not fish in the river.

You must / can’t use your phone in the movie theatre. 

ACTIVITY 2: Read the sentences and draw one icon for each of them.

ACTIVITY 3: Read and complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. You can use them more than once.

can’t - don’t - has to - have to - must - must not

1. We're at the beach.

  We have to   protect the sea creatures. ________________ throw trash. ________________ wear  a bathing suit.

2. He's at a restaurant.

________________ throw food. ________________ choose his lunch. ________________ bring his cat.

3. They're at the zoo.

________________ see the dolphins. ________________ miss the octopus. ________________ touch the shark.

4. You're at home.

________________ get up early for school. ________________ go to bed after eleven o'clock. ________________ make breakfast by myself.


Traducción de las actividades:

¡Buenas tardes, familias! Esperamos que hayan tenido un hermoso fin de semana. 

En el día de hoy trabajaremos con algunos verbos modales que nos ayudan a expresar obligaciones y prohibiciones. 

ACTIVIDAD 1: Deben observar las imágenes y elegir la opción correcta en cada oración.

ACTIVIDAD 2: Deben leer las oraciones y realizar un dibujo graficando las obligaciones o prohibiciones expresadas.

ACTIVIDAD 3: Deben leer las oraciones debajo de cada situación y completar los espacios con las palabras de la caja. En este caso pueden utilizar algunas de las palabras dadas más de una vez.

Eso es todo por hoy.

Les deseamos una muy linda semana,

Miss Yani y Miss Mica


That's all for now, kids!

We'll see you in a few moments

Miss Yani and Miss Mica⭐

P.S: We are really looking fordward to seeing you tomorrow at school!😄🏫

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